Creating a level

In the admin panel on your WordPress site, navigate to User Access > Add New.

In the title field, enter a short, descriptive name for your new level. To avoid confusion with User Roles or other plugins, we recommend the naming convention title + Level. E.g. if you want to name it “Subscriber”, consider using “Subscriber Level” instead.


You should see the following tabs just below the title field:


Level Options

  • Extend Level
    If you have more than 1 level, you can add this level as an extension. This means that access conditions and capabilities will be inherited. Click here to read more.
  • Non-Member Action
    Select whether unauthorized users should be redirected to another page/URL, or if they should see a teaser (everything before theĀ < !–more–> tag) along with content from another page, such as a login form.
    Note that archive pages do not support Tease & Include and will fallback to Redirect.
  • Duration
    Select days, weeks, months, or years until a membership expires. Set to “0” for Lifetime. If the duration is updated after members have already been added, their membership duration will not change.
  • Deny Access to Unprotected Content
    Check this if members should only be able to access the content that this level protects.
  • Deny Access to Admin Area
    Check this if members should not be able to access the Admin Area at all, no matter what capabilities they may have.
  • Hide Admin Toolbar
    Automatically hide the admin toolbar on the frontend.
  • Level Name
    The Level name is a unique identifier that can be used in shortcodes and the API. A name will be generated from the level title.

    Important: Changing this will break shortcodes and custom API integrations that depends on the name.


You can now click Save in the upper right corner on the screen. Don’t worry, until you add any access conditions or capabilities, this level will not affect your users in any way, regardless of the options you selected before.

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