Content Aware Sidebars is the best WordPress Sidebar Plugin. Create new conditional widget areas in seconds.
No coding required.
Looking for a custom sidebars solution that doesn’t slow down your site?
Content Aware Sidebars is built to scale and excels in performance no matter how big your site is, or how many sidebars and widget areas you create.
Feeling uneasy when plugins prompt you to enter widget logic PHP code?
It’s a bad and dangerous practice that we don’t allow in Content Aware Sidebars. Instead we included extensive, flexible Display Conditions you can choose from.
This is not just yet another WordPress Sidebar Plugin.
Our innovative features take widget areas to the next level. Content Aware Sidebars gives you full control over how, when, and where you want to display widgets.
Dynamic, tailored widget areas and footers.
Do you want to display a sidebar on specific posts, pages, custom post types, or taxonomy archives? How about on posts:
Then you will love Content Aware Sidebars.
Create, activate, and just add Widgets.
Add as many custom sidebars and widget areas you want, and display them on as many different conditions you want.
It only takes a few clicks in the user friendly sidebar manager, and we promise you never have to write a single line of code.
No-bloat Widget Area Designer.
Create beautiful designs for any widget area and display widgets in up to 12 responsive columns.
By utilizing highly optimized CSS on demand, Content Aware Sidebars will make sure your WordPress sidebars look amazing in all modern browsers.
Display widget areas in WordPress hooks.
Content Aware Sidebars is the first plugin to let you insert new widget areas into theme locations previously not possible!
You can replace theme sidebars, use sidebar shortcodes, and now also add widget areas above or below the content, above or below the footer, or in any theme hook.
Manage and edit your widgets worry-free.
Can you imagine deleting an important widget by accident? You can now go back in time and instantly restore it; no need to manually download a backup first!
Content Aware Sidebars also adds a timeline of all widget edits, so you can compare widget revisions side-by-side.
Display a new sidebar or widget area on any page in 60 Seconds or less.
Smart website owners, developers, and marketers love Content Aware Sidebars because of these additional features.
Easily replace or merge with any widget area in your theme. You can also hide sidebars for full-width layout.
Without writing any code, you can modify the HTML and CSS classes of widget areas, widgets, and widget titles.
With the most powerful Display Conditions, you can display sidebars and widget areas on any page imaginable. View All.
Create a custom sidebar and manage its widgets today, then let it activate and deactivate later automatically.
Display widgets between paragraphs in your posts or pages by embedding a simple shortcode.
Select widget areas or create new ones when you’re editing a post, page, or custom post type.
Includes 1-click Sidebar Activation© and Live Search for widgets and sidebars for the best user experience.
You will not lose any created widget areas or their widgets when switching themes, and you can always update positions if needed.
WordPress Core integration means that custom sidebars also can be managed and viewed in the Customizer.
We have all the guides you need to get started and become an expert in Content Aware Sidebars.
Translated into several languages thanks to amazing users from all over the world. Help translate into your language!
Content Aware Sidebars looks and feels like WordPress and doesn’t rely on 3rd party services.
We are here to help. Get fast and professional support delivered directly to your inbox.
Show or hide sidebars only for certain users. Great for access control on membership sites.
Create widget areas for any URL, including wildcards. Target your affiliate links, custom funnels, or advanced search queries.
Create widget areas for posts, pages, or custom post types from a given year, month, or day. This also includes any Date Archive!
Display your custom sidebars only in set time ranges. Perfect for promotions and advertising.
Save time and duplicate your widget area and all of its conditions and settings with one click.
Free up memory and remove clutter! Widget Cleaner will recommend and disable the WordPress widgets you don’t plan to use.
Tired of keeping track of several versions of the same widget? Simply reuse the same widgets in different areas.