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Unmatched Speed And Power

The fastest WordPress Sidebar Plugin yet.

Looking for a custom sidebars solution that doesn’t slow down your site as it grows?

Content Aware Sidebars has been developed with scalability in mind and excels in performance no matter how big your site is, or how many sidebars and conditions you create! Try it yourself and feel the difference.

Screenshot of page load metrics

See how Content Aware Sidebars can benefit your site

Content Aware Sidebars is packed with awesome features that give you complete control over your widget areas and greatly enhances customization on your WordPress site.

The Starter plan will be free forever, and you can upgrade at any time.

FeaturesProStarterOther Plugins
Add Unlimited SidebarsYesYesYes
Add Unlimited Sidebar ConditionsYesYesYes
Replace, merge, or hide any Theme SidebarYesYesReplace only
Create & add sidebars on post editYesYesAdd only
No coding requiredYesYesCustom Post Types might need extra code
Sidebar Shortcode & Template TagYesYesNo
Optimized For Large SitesYesYesNo
Customizer SupportYesYesNo
Activate & deactivate Sidebars on scheduleYesYesNo
Enhanced Widget Manager & 1-click ActivationYesYesSidebar filters only
Customizable Sidebar & Widget MarkupYesYesWidgets only
Visibility for Roles, Logged-in Users & GuestsYesLogged-in Users onlyWidgets only
Display sidebars on set times and daysYesNoNo
Insert Sidebar as WidgetYesNoNo
Sync widgets across themesYesNoNo
Widget RevisionsYesNoNo
Disable WidgetsYesNoNo
Duplicate Sidebars & ConditionsYesNoNo
Widget Area DesignerYesNoNo
Insert Widget Areas into ThemeYesNoNo
Sidebar Display ConditionsProStarterOther Plugins
Front PageYesYesYes
Search ResultsYesYesYes
404 Not Found PageYesYesYes
Page TemplatesYesYesYes
Blog Page & Post Type ArchivesYesYesYes
Author ArchivesYesYesYes
Posts, Pages & Custom Post TypesYesYesCustom Post Types might need extra code
Content with Tag, Category, or Custom TaxonomyYesYesIndividual categories only
Taxonomy ArchivesYesYesIndividual categories only
bbPress Profiles, Forums & TopicsYesYesForums & Topics only, might need extra code
Content written by AuthorYesYesNo
BuddyPress Profile SectionsYesYesNo
Pods PagesYesYesNo
Date ArchivesYesAll Date Archives onlyAll Date Archives only
Posts from any day, month, yearYesNoNo
URLs + wildcardsYesNoNo
BuddyPress User GroupsYesNoNo
Any Combination Of AboveYesYesNo

What People Are Saying

Worth it’s weight in gold.

This plugin saves so much effort if you want to create context sensitive menus in sidebars. Brilliant, thank you.

Great plugin and even greater support

This plugin if very useful and easy to use, but most of all the support provided by Joachim is amazing!

Target your sidebars like a laser!

Content Aware Sidebars lets you have laser-like precision to display just the right sidebar wherever you choose. Great job!

One of my favorites!

This plugin is easy to understand and even if you have just a bit of trouble to master it at first, once you get it you will use on every project. It is really that great!

By far this is one of my all time favorite WordPress plugins.

Best Side Bar plugin out there

This is by far the best side bar plugin I have ever used. I have tried many others, but they are either too clunky, not very powerful or too complicated.

This one is easy to use, works on all sorts of post types and very powerful.

Love it. Finally found my sidebar plugin. Thank you!

This is the most essential plugin for my entire site

I absolutely love this plugin. Content aware sidebars, allows me to easily control a list of menus presented to viewers. I’ve organized it in a way to help my viewers understand where they are on the site and easily see other content that is related to their current context.

Rated #1 WordPress Sidebars Plugin In 2024

Don’t just take our word for it. With more than 1 million downloads, Content Aware Sidebars is the perfect solution for you.

Worth it’s weight in gold.

This plugin saves so much effort if you want to create context sensitive menus in sidebars. Brilliant, thank you.

Great plugin and even greater support

This plugin if very useful and easy to use, but most of all the support provided by Joachim is amazing!

Target your sidebars like a laser!

Content Aware Sidebars lets you have laser-like precision to display just the right sidebar wherever you choose. Great job!

Ready to design and display widget areas the easy way?

Psst... This is a conditional widget area built with Content Aware Sidebars