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Edit your widgets worry-free with Automatic Widget Backup.

With only a few clicks, you can add, update, move, and delete WordPress widgets on your website. WordPress makes it very easy to manage widgets of all types, and their content sometimes play an important role. In fact, this is so easy that it’s hard to avoid small mistakes, such as deleting an important widget on a live site.

Because WordPress does not keep backups of sidebars and widgets, that simple mistake means bad news. Unrecoverable widgets is a bigger problem than you’d think, but it doesn’t need to be.


Automatic Widget Backups

With Content Aware Sidebars Pro, the widget areas you create will be secured with automatic backups everytime a widget is added, updated, or deleted. And this works for any widget!

So whether you accidentally remove crucial content in a widget or delete the widget alltogether, we got you covered. And because the backups are automatic, you don’t need to hassle with manual file uploads.

Simply click and restore the sidebar widget as it was.


Compare revisions of widget backups in the user-friendly UI


Not only does Content Aware Sidebars Pro save backups, it also adds a timeline of all widget revisions. You can compare the actual widget options side-by-side to see the different changes.

Easily backup and restore any WordPress widget on your website.

Rated #1 WordPress Sidebars Plugin In 2024

Don’t just take our word for it. With more than 1 million downloads, Content Aware Sidebars is the perfect solution for you.

Worth it’s weight in gold.

This plugin saves so much effort if you want to create context sensitive menus in sidebars. Brilliant, thank you.

Great plugin and even greater support

This plugin if very useful and easy to use, but most of all the support provided by Joachim is amazing!

Target your sidebars like a laser!

Content Aware Sidebars lets you have laser-like precision to display just the right sidebar wherever you choose. Great job!

Ready to design and display widget areas the easy way?

Psst... This is a conditional widget area built with Content Aware Sidebars